Terengganu Rombak Exco?

Friday, October 31, 2008

MB Terengganu Dato' Ahmad Said mengumumkan semalam bahawa beliau akan membuat rombakan barisan exconya [Read Here].

Tiga exco yang diramalkan akan digugurkan daripada barisan sedia ada, namun hanya satu sahaja yang dinamakan, iaitu Yahya Khatib Mohamad daripada UMNO bahagian Marang.

Baru-baru ini beliau menang dalam perebutan jawatan ketua bahagian UMNO daripada penyandang Dato' Abdul Rahman Bakar - The Giant Killer.

Ingat Pesanan Majlis Raja-Raja

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sekali lagi Datuk Liow Tiong Lai membuat kejutan.

Tidak cukup dengan permintaan jawatan Timbalan Pengerusi BN untuk diisi oleh MCA, kali ini beliau meminta supaya kuota 30% equiti bumiputera dalam pemilikan syarikat senaraian awam dimansuhkan [Read Here].

Saya cuba memahami apakah mesej yang cuba disampaikan oleh Tiong Lai kali ini. Adakah benar apa yang dimaksudkan beliau - untuk memastikan syarikat senaraian awam tempatan terus berdaya saing dalam suasana ekonomi global yang amat getir kini?

Sekiranya benar, apakah beliau bermaksud bahawa penyertaan golongan bumiputera dalam sektor korporat hanya mengakibatkan ekonomi negera semakin tidak kompetitif? Adakah beliau ingin mengatakan hanya kaum bukan bumiputera yang tertentu sahaja yang mampu memangkinkan ekonomi negara menjadi lebih mapan dan kompetitif?

Andainya benar, inilah satu penghinaan yang terbesar ke atas orang-orang Melayu dan seluruh kaum bumiputera Malaysia secara keseluruhannya!

Kenyataan Tiong Lai ini merupakan satu kenyataan dan aspirasi kolonisme bangsa penjajah terhadap kaum peribumi Malaysia.

Dalam erti kata lain, Tiong Lai berkata - kaum bumiputera adalah satu bangsa yang tidak mampu untuk bersaing dalam arus perdana ekonomi negara sendiri, apatah lagi di peringkat global.

Adalah sewajarnya, kaum yang tidak kompetitif ini berundur, dan memberi ruang kepada bangsa yang lebih agung yang lebih mampu bersaing dengan bangsa lain di dunia ini.

Dan jika anda mahu panjangkan di dalam konteks politik negara, maka kenyataan Tiong Lai berbunyi begini - Anda adalah satu kaum yang tidak mampu mentadbir dengan baik. Sekiranya kami yang mentadbir, nescaya Malaysia hari ini adalah lebih baik atau sekurang-kurangnya pada tahap yang sama dengan Singapura.

Keadaan Malaysia yang terkebelakang berbanding negara lain adalah kerana kamu - kaum bumiputera yang malas dan terus hidup atas dasar subsidi dan pemberiaan semata-mata.

Itukah mesej yang ingin disampaikan oleh Datuk Liow Tiong Lai?

Nabil Raja Lawak akan berkata - Lu pikir la sendiri!

Bahaya Politik Ugutan

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dalam sessi temuramah oleh Utusan Malaysia yang diterbitkan Ahad lalu, Dr Rais Yatim menyimpulkan keadaan UMNO yang tersangat lemah pada ketika ini menjadi faktor utama kepada pelbagai ugutan dan desakan oleh pelbagai parti komponen BN [Read Here].

Dr Rais menegaskan kelemahan tersebut adalah berpunca daripada kelemahan pimpinan dalaman parti dan seterusnya menjadi punca kepada kemerosotan kekuatan UMNO danBN pasca PRU ke-12 yang lepas. Kegagalan menunaikan janji-janji manifesto PRU ke-11 dan pelbagai isu kronisme dan nepotisme oleh keluarga-menantu DSAB dan kejayaan media pembangkang memainkan isu tersebut memburukkan lagi keadaan.

Walaupun keadaan yang lebih getir pernah berlaku pada 1969, namun kekuatan dan kualiti pimpinan parti pada waktu ketika itu berjaya menyelesaikan masalah tersebut daripada terus menular. Bahkan, Tun Razak yang mnjadi penyelamat pada waktu ketika itu telah berjaya menjadikan UMNO sebagai pusat kekuatan BN yang ditubuhkan pada 1974 untuk menggantikan Parti Perikatan.

Sebaliknya pada hari ini, seolah-olahnya UMNO pula yang bergantung kepada parti komponen untuk terus memerintah. Ini adalah salah faham yang terbesar kerana sebetulnya UMNO dengan kekuatan yang ada, UMNO mampu menubuhkan kerajaan tanpa perlu sokongan daripada parti komponen yang lain. Menurut Dr Rais, UMNO mampu memenangi 65% daripada kerusi yang dipertandingkan. Ini adalah lebih dua pertiga daripada keseluruhan kerusi parlimen.

Justeru, insaflah wahai pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO sekalian. Masa anda untuk bersukaria sudah tamat. Sekarang adalah masa untuk kembali mengembleng tenaga dan usaha kita semua untuk memperkasakan kembali parti keramat ini. Sudah tiada siapa lagi yang tinggal untuk memperjuangkan nasib nusa dan bangsa kalau bukan kita semua.

Suburkanlah nilai-nilai murni dan keikhlasan dalam diri untuk kita jadikan asas perjuangan kita membantu bangsa dan agama kita. Tuan-tuan buangkanlah segala sifat kehinaan dan keabdian kepada kuasa dan kekayaan dan gantikan dengan keikhlasan sebuah perjuangan. Itulah yang terbaik kita.

Blog ini menyeru kepada semua pejuang-pejuang bangsa Melayu dan agama Islam untuk kembali bangkit menyahut perjuangan yang murni seperti yang diterjemahkan oleh nenek moyang kita dahulu.


Second BN Deputy Chairmanship: What next?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

During the MCA Youth Convention, the youth chief Datuk Liow Tiong Lai had demanded that second deputy chairman for BN is created and give to MCA. Now, that is a bold demand!

What had MCA done at this point of time to make such demand? They failed miserably both during the March GE and the Permatang Pauh By-Election.

He claimed that MCA is the biggest partner of UMNO in the coalition and had contributed a lot to Malaysia. Now, they want their contribution acknowledged - yup by holding the second deputy chairmanship post.

I say that we shouldn't bow to their demand. We had gave a lot... but they want even more!!

Ok... let say UMNO ready to accept their demand... then what next?

MIC will also say that they are the second largest component and has been with the coalition since before the independence. They should have the same seniority and 3rd deputy charimanship should be created for them... and then Gerakan also will want the same position for all their contributions to the coalition.

Well we will end up with having all component parties to have their own deputy chairman post for BN.

Even worst... soon they will want their deputy chairmans to be elected as the second, third and so fourth deputy prime ministers!!

And soon, the deputy prime minister is no longer suits their seniority... and they want to be the PM!! Yup you hear me loud and clear... they want to be the PM!!

Well, knowing the nature of this guys long enough... you and me know that will happen soon - if we let this single demand to be fulfilled.

New Definition of Poverty Level

Monday, October 20, 2008

The world is facing a very challenging time now.

With global financial system failed, many financial institutions collapsed bringing down with them many others... world economy trembled.

Cost of living is increasing... due to the inflation, higher fuel cost, weakening ringgit against dollar and other major currencies and even worse the household income remains [Read Here]

With weaker purchasing power, the mid class citizen are becoming poorer in this country. They are the majority Malaysian nowadays. Yes... majority of Malaysian live below the poverty line or at least very near to the poverty line - especially those who lived in big cities such as KL and Penang where the cost of living is much more higher.

Of course, if you check the government's stats, the needy is only less than 5% of the population... but lets check their definition of poverty... hey... is that what you defined 50 years ago?!! When the ringgit is still at par with Singapore dollar and US dollar is only RM2.30/$???

Well... hemm... hemm.


So what is the reason for all of this? Is it the government's fault? Or it's just a natural process of the modern world?

According to blog Technical Analysis on KLCI, everything is to do with the government (This guy must be an opposition supporter). [Read Here]

Hemm it's easy to finger pointing... but hey, think its both side's fault - the government and the opposition have their shares in destroying... or at least damaging Malaysian's wealth!

Certain Future for Najib?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Will Najib will become the next PM? With the nominations he secured so far, it seems certain that Najib will become the 6th PM. His closest contender, Ku Li so far is yet to get any nomination.

Many advice for Najib... one the Rocky's Bru reader sent this open letter to Najib.

Even Tun M in his blog Che Det also had advice Najib not to repeat DSAB's mistakes.

Yes DS Najib, crony, family.. should be sent off the nation's administration.

Only then you will be a good PM for us.

Saya berdoa pada Allah SWT supaya mengurniakan Malaysia seorang pemimpin yang berkamampuan, ikhlas dan berjiwa murni dalam usaha mempertahankan dan membangunkan nusa yang tercinta ini.


The Finger Pointing Game...

Friday, October 10, 2008

In a press conference during a state GLC's Raya Open House, Dato' Ahmad Said stated that he is considering the possibility to request the ACA to start investigation on all state GLCs for any wrong doing done by the management during DS Idris Jusoh's adminsitration.

For me, this is a typical style of Dato' Ahmad Said. He will never stop until all of his enemy destroyed. Even they had moved aside or been moved to the sideline, but this guy will never stop seeking revenge and only satisfied when his enemy meet theirs doom.

For your information, UMNO Divisional Election will begin soon. In Terengganu, two camps will fight each others, the Northern and Southern Camps both lead by former MB DS Idris Jusoh and current MB Dato' Ahmad Said.

That is what happen when we pick up a total politician to become our MB. What he knows is only to politiking and no other else (of course money making is part of politiking process)

That why when a leader is to be selected among us, he must possesses skills, knowledge, idea and most importantly vision to lead the people [Read Here]. Only then he can be a good leader and bring benefit to others. Like the US, they are very progressive and creative since they value their freedom to think [Read Here].

Come on Dato Ahmad. Please stop playing the hard ball game and get to work now!! Stop the finger pointing and lets start getting your head crack for something useful to the marhein for the first time.

The state administration must focus on the development agenda. We must move forward. We was left behind during PAS administration (1999-2004) and must not waste anymore time. Lets get going.