Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

May the dawning of this new year...
Open up for you new horizons,
Fill your heart with new hopes and bring for you...
Promises of brighter tomorrows !
Wishing you happiness, healthy and prosperity in the
New Year !

My Hectic Life!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Well, I felt jealous to read JMD, Rocky's Bru, Syed Akhbar Ali and many others bloggers who are actively contributing and posting in theirs blogs.

I am very well sure that these guys are all busy men, doing other stuffs as well outside there, but still can find time to write quality articles.

Well, I know, I am a busy man too, with my career, my business, my hobby, and family off course, but can't do exactly what these guys are doing.

Well I am really jealous!!

I want to correct this situation soon. As a matter of fact, I will made it as one of my new year resolution - to consistently post an article at least once a week.

Anyway, an efficient and effective manager should be able to manage his resources well, shouldn't he?!!

Benar kata Tun....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Benar kata Tun Mahathir, Melayu mudah lupa. Masa ingin meminta, masa kita masih diperlukan, sanggup sang peminta merayu melolong sepanjang hari minta diberi apa yang dipinta.

Tak dapat hari ini, esok datang lagi.

Tak dapat esok, lusa datang lagi.

Tak dapat minggu ini, minggu depan datang lagi.

Tak dapat minggu depan, bulan depan datang lagi.

Sampailah, dapat apa yang dihajati si peminta.

Kini, tiba pula giliran sang pemberi meminta dari si peminta. Tapi, bagai ular dengan sepuluh cabang kepala, mulut yang ini katanya begini, mulut yang itu katanya begitu.

Seribu satu alasan berikan, sebenarnya hati tak ingin memberi, hati si peminta tak pernah ingat pun untuk mengenang jasa yang telah dihulur oleh sang pemberi dahulu.

Nah... itulah yang dikatakan Tun Mahathir, MELAYU MUDAH LUPA.

Ingatlah wahai sekalian Melayu yang ada, tak salah dan takkan pernah silap untuk kita mengenang jasa orang kepada kita, bahkan itulah yang sebaiknya dan sebetulnya!

Janganlah jadi kacang lupakan kulit, masa memerlukan semuanya betul semua betul!! Tapi sudah dapat yang dihajati, dikatakan hai... dikatakan bye bye!!

Ingat, kehidupan ini umpama roda, mungkin akan tiba masanya si peminta akan meminta lagi.

Persoalannya, adakah sang pemberi rela diperbodohkan buat kali kedua?!!

Fikir-fikir kan....

The Biased Mr Khoo

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The decision of National Fatwa Council to ban Muslim from practicing yoga also cathed his interest. According to him, it is due to the element of religion Malaysia had failed to propel forward at the same speed as other nations which was previously at par with her.

And then, the decision of government to inject RM5 billion into the local capital market also critised by Mr Khoo. For him, the action is simply a mismanagement of public fund by the government.

By wearing the mask of goodness, equality and freedom to speak and think, Mr Khoo accused all existing goods done by the government as wrong - not good enough for the people.

From what I see, this guy is prejudice kind of person, which think that your race is inferior than mine, and your culture is less civilised than mine. That is why every thing that the government had done is nothing but a collection of stupid decisions and should be thrown into dustbin.

For what ever his excuse that he gave to justify his allegation, prejudice is the real motivation - yes - he is prejudice kind of person. When the Chinese take over this Malay motherland, only then he will be satisfied.

So people, don't listen to him... but learn from him!!