Finally, after more than two years of struggling, I managed to complete my MBA course (but with a clause - provided that I do not fails the last subject).
The last paper that I sat for exam was due on last Friday - 14 November 2008 and it was terrible. The question was totally out of context; at least not as what the course leader described. That was the second time, I was cheated (of some sort) by a course leader.
And it happened to be that, in both occasion the the course leaders are Indian. Hey... I am not being racist here, but just want to highlight some statistical figures. They are not Malaysian Indian anyway!
I remembered reading a posting in Rocky's Bru. [
Read Here] In summary, the article claimed that Bar Council practices double standard and favoritism. Do you know who is the Bar Council's current president? Who else in the council? Well go find out yourself! [
Click here if you are too lazy]
So what is the lesson that you can learn from this issue?
1) Hem, being an MBA is not the license that may prevent you from being cheated by other people.
2) You may want to re-consider twice/triple/more than many time any statements from our not-so-fair skin 'friends'.
Maybe you can adopt only 20%-50% of the points, the rest just ignore them.
Not too long ago, the same council hold a forum "Embracing Islam". They invited all scholars; Universities's professors, NGOs and political parties' leaders both Muslim and non Muslim. They want to sit down and discuss the Syariah Law together.
Here are excerpts from Ragu's press statement of 8 August 2008:
"The Bar Council is not questioning the provisions of Article 121(1A), which confer Syariah jurisdiction over Muslims on the Syariah Courts. The coexistence of two separate legal jurisdictions is not a new or uncommon phenomenon and there are naturally issues of conflicts of laws arising from the different jurisdictions."
"...We recognise and respect Article 121(1A); however, there is a strong viewpoint that it is unjust to compel anyone to be subjected to laws and courts that are based on a religion that they do not profess, and this viewpoint must be addressed."
"...The Bar Council reiterates that the forum will not dispute Article 121(1A), nor question Islam or its status as enshrined in Article 3 of the Federal Constitution. The forum is not about conversion per se, as the Bar Council endorses the absolute right of individuals to embrace Islam. Instead, the forum will address the ancillary issues that arise from such situations and will emphasise the need for laws, and a judicial system, that protects everyone equally."
"...The forum is open to everyone. The Bar Council urges supporters and critics alike to attend the forum and to air their views so that together, we can strive to seek just solutions to the issues faced by our fellow citizens."
Note: Ragunath Kesavan is the Bar Council's Vice President
This Bar Council's animal chauvinists & racists are actually telling you that we Malay/Muslim should listen to their opinion and view before we made our law. I thought the source of Syariah Law is Al-Quran, Hadith (Prophet Muhammad sayings and actions) and Ijtihad Ulama' (decision made by Muslim's scholars forum). Believe me, that was only the beginning, they will push you inch by inch until we - Malay Muslim have no where else to go.
I am telling you that is way too much. We must stop this from happen in the future. Instead, we are the one who should dictate what they should do and what they shouldn't!!
So guys, start your action now!!